What if the information provided by Credit Score appears to be inaccurate?

What if the information provided by Credit Score appears to be inaccurate?

If you think some information is wrong or inaccurate, you can obtain a free credit report from www.annualcreditreport.com and then dispute inaccuracies with each bureau individually. Each bureau has its process for correcting inaccurate information. Every Sierra Pacific CU user can file a dispute with TransUnion by clicking on the “Dispute” link within the Credit […]

How are you helping members experiencing financial hardship?

How are you helping members experiencing financial hardship?

We are here to help members reach their financial goals, even (and especially) when unexpected situations throw them off-track. There are a number of ways we can help members facing financial hardship. Please reach out so we can find the best solution for your situation. Email: jdemuth@sierrapacificfcu.org Call: 775-857-2424

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Sierra Pacific Federal Credit Union