
Smiling older woman sitting on couch while using tablet.


Last Updated: 6/28/2012

WHY Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do.

The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include:

  •  Social Security number
  • Account balances
  • Payment history
  • Transaction or loss history
  • Credit history
  • Credit scores When you are no longer a member, we continue to share your information as described in this notice.

All financial companies need to share members' personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their members' personal information; the reasons Sierra Pacific Federal Credit Union chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing.

Reasons we can share your personal information Does Sierra Pacific Federal Credit Union share? Can you limit this sharing?  
For our everyday business purposes such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus Yes No  
For our marketing purposes to offer our products and services to you No We don't share  
For joint marketing with other financial companies Yes No  
For our affiliates' everyday business purposes information about your transactions and experiences No We don't share  
For our affiliates' everyday business purposes information about your creditworthiness No We don't share  
For nonaffiliates to market to you No We don't share  

Call 775-834-4579 or go to


What We Do  
How does Sierra Pacific Federal Credit Union protect my personal information? To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings. We also maintain other physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect this information and we limit access to information to those employees for whom access is appropriate.
How does Sierra Pacific Federal Credit Union collect my personal information?

We collect your personal information, for example, when you:

  • Open an account
  • Apply for a loan
  • Apply for financing
  • Give us your contact information
  • Show your driver's license We also collect your personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates, or other companies.
Why can't I limit all sharing?

Federal law gives you the right to limit only:

  • sharing for affiliates' everyday business purposes - information about yourcreditworthiness
  • affiliates from using your information to market to you
  • sharing for non-affiliates to market to you State laws and individual companies may give you additional rights to limit sharing. See below for more on your rights under state law.



Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and non-financial companies.

  • Sierra Pacific Federal Credit Union has no affiliates

Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and non-financial companies.

Joint Marketing

A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you.

  • Our joint marketing partners include The Hartford and CUNA


Other Important Information

For Alaska, Illinois, Maryland and North Dakota Members. We will not share personal information with nonaffiliates either for them to market to you or for joint marketing - without your authorization. For California Members. We will not share personal information with nonaffiliates either for them to market to you or for joint marketing - without your authorization. We will also limit our sharing of personal information about you with our affiliates to comply with all California privacy laws that apply to us. For Massachusetts, Mississippi and New Jersey Members. We will not share personal information from deposit or share relationships with nonaffiliates either for them to market to you or for joint marketing - without your authorization. For Vermont Members. We will not share personal information with nonaffiliates either for them to market to you or for joint marketing - without your authorization, and we will not share personal information with affiliates about yourcreditworthiness without your authorization.


Last Updated: 11/25/2009

Q. What is Check 21?
A. Check 21 is a new federal law that becomes official on October 28th, 2004.  Check 21 facilitates the broader use of electronic check processing.  Check 21 accomplishes this by authorizing a new negotiable instrument called a substitute check.

Q. What is a substitute check?
A.  A substitute check is simply a paper copy created from an electronic image of the original paper check (front and back, will all endorsements) and is suitable for automated processing in the same manner as the original paper check.  It's a legally sanctioned document with all the rights and obligations given to the original paper check written from your checkbook. 

Q. What does a substitute check look like?
A. A substitute check is a paper reproduction of a digital image of an original check.  Substitute checks contain an image of the front and back of the original check. 

Q. Will substitute checks be processed faster?
A. Check 21 may change the speed of processing that may result in funds being withdrawn from your account sooner than in today's environment.

Q. What happens to my original check?
A. In most cases, original paper checks will be destroyed once the check is imaged.  Check 21 does not regulate the retention of original paper checks.  Check retention time periods are set by the financial institution. 

Q. What if I need a copy of my cancelled check?
A.  Contact us and a substitute check will be provided.  A substitute check must be accepted as proof of payment. 

Q. What do I do if there is an error involving a substitute check? 
A. Immediately contact us if you suspect an error.  Check 21 requires that we provisionally recredit your account. We will send a disclosure statement soon with more precise details on your legal rights and how to make a claim.

Q.  What are the consumer protections?
A.  The consumer protections provisions contained in Check 21 are called "expedited recredit" provisions and pertain specifically to substitute checks.  The expedited recredit provisions provide you with a mechanism to make a claim when you feel that a substitute check was wrongfully charged against your account.  There are specific steps you must follow when making the claim, and there are certain steps for the credit union to follow, as well as timetables built in for addressing your claim.

Q. How much time do I have to report a suspected error?
A. You have 40 calendar days form the later of two dates- either the date when your statement was delivered or 40 calendar days from the date the suspect substitute check was made available to you.

Q.  How much time does a credit union have to address my claim?
A. Check 21 requires our credit union to recredit your account no later than the end of the business day following the business day on which our credit union determined that your claim was valid or on the then business day if our credit union has not yet determined the validity of your claim.

Q. Does Check 21 preempt state law?
A. Yes. Check 21 is a federal law that supersedes any state law.

Q: Am I allowed to "opt out" of Check 21?
A:  No. Once Check 21 legislation goes into effect on October 28, 2004, it will apply to all financial institutions and their customers.  There will be no "opt out" exceptions.

Q: Does Check 21 apply to business checking accounts?
A: Yes. Check 21 applies to all types of checks -consumer, business, traveler's and U.S. treasury checks. 

Sierra Pacific FCU is organized under its federal charter and by-laws as a financial cooperative serving its members’ financial needs. A Board of Directors is elected on a rotating basis during the annual meeting. Each eligible member has one vote, regardless of the number of shares held. The Board presently consists of nine members.

The other member volunteer committees include the Supervisory Committee. The Supervisory Committee arranges for the annual audit and conducts its own audits and analyses.

Election by Electronic Device (including but not limited to telephone and electronic mail) or Mail Ballot; Nominating Committee and Nominations by Petition.

Section 1. Nomination procedures.

a. At least 120 days before each annual meeting, the chair will appoint a nominating committee of three or more members. The nominating committee will nominate at least one member for each vacancy, including any unexpired term vacancy, for which elections are being held, and determine that the members nominated are agreeable to the placing of their names in nomination and will accept office if elected. The nominating committee must widely publicize the call for nominations to all members by any medium and interview each member that meets any qualifications established by the nominating committee.

b. At least 90 days before the annual meeting, the nominating committee files its nominations with the secretary of the credit union. At least 75 days before the annual meeting, the secretary notifies, in writing, all members eligible to vote that they may make nominations for vacancies by petition signed by 1% of the members with a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 500. The secretary may use electronic mail to notify members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically.

c. The written notice must specify that the credit union will not conduct the election by ballot and there will be no nominations from the floor when the number of nominees equals the number of open positions.

d. The notice will include, in a form approved by the board of directors, a brief statement of qualifications and biographical data for each nominee submitted by the nominating committee. Each nominee by petition must submit a similar statement of qualifications and biographical data with the petition.

e. The written notice must state the closing date for receiving nominations by At least 40 days before the annual meeting, nominee(s) must file the nomination petition with the secretary of the credit union. To be effective, nominee(s) must include a signed certificate with the nomination petition stating that they are agreeable to nomination and will serve if elected to office.

f. At least 35 days before the annual meeting, the secretary will post the nominations by petition along with those of the nominating committee in a conspicuous place in each credit union office and on the credit union’s website (if the credit union maintains a website).

Section 2. Election Procedures.

The plurality of vote determines all elections. The election is conducted by electronic device or mail ballot, subject to the following conditions:

a. The Board of Directors will appoint the election tellers;

b. At least 30 days before the annual meeting, the secretary will ensure either a printed ballot or notice of ballot is mailed to all members eligible to vote if there are sufficient nominations made by the nominating committee or by petition to provide more nominees than open positions. The secretary may use electronic mail to provide the notice of ballot to members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically;

c. If the credit union conducts its elections electronically, the secretary will ensure the transmission of the following materials to each eligible voter using the following procedures:

c1) One notice of balloting stating the names of the candidates for the board of directors and the candidates for other separately identified offices or The notice must include a brief statement of qualifications and biographical data for each candidate in a form approved by the board of directors. The secretary may use electronic mail to provide the notice of ballot to members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically.

c2) One mail ballot that conforms to Section 2(d) of this article, as well as instructions for the electronic election procedure, including how to access and use the system and the timeframe for The instructions will state that members without the requisite electronic device necessary to vote on the system may vote by submitting the enclosed mail ballot and specify the date the mail ballot must be received by the credit union. For members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, the mail ballot is not required and the secretary may use electronic mail to provide the instructions for the electronic election procedure.

c3) The election tellers verify, or cause to be verified, the name of the voter and their credit union account number as registered in the electronic balloting system. The election tellers will test the integrity of the balloting system at regular intervals during the election period.

c4) Election tellers must receive ballots no later than midnight, 5 calendar days before the annual meeting.

c5) Election tellers will tally the vote and the chair will make the result of the vote public at the annual meeting.

c6) If the electronic balloting system malfunctions, the board of directors may, in its discretion, hold the election by mail ballot only. The mail ballots must conform to Section 2(d) of this article and the secretary must mail them once more to all eligible members 30 days before the annual meeting. The board may make reasonable adjustments to the voting time frames above, or postpone the annual meeting when necessary, to complete the elections before the annual

d. If the credit union conducts its election by mail ballot, the secretary will ensure the mailing of the following materials to each member using the following procedures:

d1) One ballot, clearly identified as the ballot, with the names of the candidates for the board of directors and the candidates for other separately identified offices or committees printed in random order. A brief statement of qualifications and biographical data for each candidate, in a form approved by the board of directors, will accompany the ballot;

d2) One ballot envelope, with instructions to place the completed ballot placed in the envelope and seal the envelope

d3) One identification form the member completes that includes their name, address, signature and credit union account number;

d4) One mailing envelope that instructs the member to insert the sealed ballot envelope and the identification form. The mailing envelope must have prepaid postage and be preaddressed for return to the election tellers;

d5) When properly designed with features that preserve the secrecy of the ballot, the ballot, identification form, and prepaid postage and preaddressed return envelope may be combined;

d6) The election tellers will verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as appearing on the identification form. The tellers will retain the verified identification form and the sealed ballot envelope until the vote count is completed. In the event of a questionable or challenged identification form, the tellers must retain the identification form and sealed ballot envelope together until the verification or challenge is resolved;

d7) Election tellers must receive ballots mailed to them no later than midnight 5 days before the date of the annual meeting;

d8) The election tellers will tally the vote. They will verify the result at the annual meeting and the chair will make the result of the vote public at the annual meeting.

Section 3. Order of Nominations.

Nominations may be in the following order:

a. Nominations for Directors.

Section 4. Proxy and Agent Voting.

Members cannot vote by proxy. A member other than a natural person may vote through an agent designated in writing for the purpose.

Section 5. One Vote per Member.

Irrespective of the number of shares, no member has more than one vote.

Section 6. Submission of Information Regarding Credit Union Officials to NCUA.

The secretary must forward the names and business addresses of board members, board officers, executive committee, credit committee members, if applicable, and supervisory committee members to the Administration in accordance with the Act and regulations in the manner as required by the Administration.

Section 7. Minimum Age Requirement.

Members must be at least 18 years of age by the date of the meeting in order to vote at meetings of the members, sign nominating petitions, or sign petitions requesting special meetings. Members must be at least 21 years of age to hold elective or appointive office.

Section 8. Absentee Ballots.

The Board of Directors may authorize the use of absentee ballots in conjunction with the other procedures authorized in this article, subject to the following conditions:

a. The Board of Directors will appoint the election tellers;

b. If there are sufficient nominations made by the nominating committee or by petition to provide more than one nominee for each open position, at least 30 days before the annual meeting, the secretary will ensure a printed ballot is mailed to all members of the credit union who are eligible to vote and who have submitted a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot;

c. The secretary will ensure the following materials are mailed to each eligible voter who submitted a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot:

c1) One ballot, clearly identified as the ballot, with the names of the candidates for the board of directors and the candidates for other separately identified offices or committees printed in random order. A brief statement of qualifications and biographical data for each candidate, in a form approved by the board of directors, will accompany the ballot;

c2) One ballot envelope clearly marked with instructions to place the completed ballot placed in the envelope and seal the envelope;

c3) One identification form the member completes that includes their name, address, signature and credit union account number;

c4) One mailing envelope that instructs the member to insert the sealed ballot envelope and the identification The mailing envelope must have prepaid postage and be preaddressed for return to the election tellers;

c5) When properly designed with features that preserve the secrecy of the ballot, the ballot, identification form, and prepaid postage and preaddressed return envelope may be combined;

d. The election tellers will verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as appearing on the identification The tellers will retain the verified identification and the sealed ballot envelope until the vote count is completed. In the event of a questionable or challenged identification form, the tellers must retain the identification form and the sealed ballot envelope together until the verification or challenge is resolved. If more than one voting procedure is used, the tellers must verify that no eligible voter voted more than one time;

e. Election tellers must receive ballots mailed to them no later than midnight 5 days before the date of the annual meeting;

f. Members or authorized personnel will deposit absentee ballots in the ballot boxes taken to the annual meeting or included in a precount in accordance with procedures specified in Article V, Section 2; and

g. If a member has chosen to receive statements and notices electronically, the Credit Union may provide notices required in this section by email and provide instructions for voting via electronic means instead of mail ballots.

Section 1. Number of Members.

The board consists of 9 directors, all of whom must be members. By resolution, the board may change the number of directors to an odd number not fewer than 5 or more than 15. The board may not reduce the number of directors unless there is a corresponding vacancy as a result of a death, resignation, expiration of a term of office, or other action provided by these bylaws. The board must file a copy of the resolution covering any increase or decrease in the number of directors with the official copy of the bylaws.

Section 2. Composition of Board and Committees.

The By-laws permit one management official to serve on the Board, however, he or she may not serve as the chair or vice chair.

No immediate family members, or those persons living in the same household, of a director may be a paid employee of the credit union.

The total number of directors serving who fall into the categories below must not constitute a majority of the board:

  • Management official plus assistant management official(s) plus other employees;
  • Immediate family members or persons in the same household as the management official, assistant management official(s), and other employees; or
  • Management official plus assistant management official(s) plus other employees, plus immediate family members or persons in the same household as management officials, assistant management officials, and other employees.

No committee member(s) may be a paid employee of the credit union. No immediate family members, or those persons living in the same household, of a committee member(s) may be a paid employee of the credit union.

Section 3. Terms of office.

Terms for directors are for periods of 3 years as decided by the board. All terms must be for the same number of years and until the election and qualification of successors. Terms are set and staggered at the first meeting, or when the number of directors changes, so that approximately an equal number of terms expire at each annual meeting.

Section 4. Vacancies.

The directors, by majority vote, will fill any vacancy on the board, or supervisory committee as soon as possible. If all director positions become vacant at once, the supervisory committee immediately becomes the temporary board of directors and must follow the procedures in Article IX, Section 3. Directors members appointed to fill a vacancy hold office only until the next annual meeting. The FCU’s members then vote to select a candidate to fill the remainder of the original director’s unexpired term. Members of the supervisory committee appointed to fill a vacancy on the supervisory committee hold office through the remainder of the unexpired term.

Section 5. Regular and Special Meetings.

The board must hold a regular meeting each month at the time and place fixed by resolution the board, normally the chair in advance of the meeting. The board must conduct one regular meeting each calendar year in person. If a quorum of the board is present at the in-person meeting, the remaining board members may participate by audio or video teleconference. The board may conduct the other regular meetings by audio or video teleconference. The chair, or in the chair’s absence the ranking vice chair, may call a special meeting of the board at any time and must do so upon written request of a majority of the directors with proper notice to all the Board members. The chair, or in the chair’s absence the ranking vice chair, will fix the time and place of special meetings unless the board directs otherwise. The board will give notice of all meetings in the manner set by resolution. The board may conduct special meetings by audio or video teleconference. The board may take action and vote on resolutions without a meeting. The board must first obtain unanimous consent for the action in writing or by electronically recorded means.

Section 6. Board Responsibilities.

The board has the general direction and control of the affairs of this credit union. The board is responsible for performing all the duties customarily done by boards of directors. This includes but is not limited to:

a. Directing the affairs of the Credit Union in accordance with the Act, these bylaws, the rules and regulations, and sound business practices.

b. Establishing programs to achieve the purposes of this Credit Union as stated in Article I, Section 2, of these bylaws.

c. Establishing lending policies, a loan collection program, and authorizing the charge-off of uncollectible loans.

d. Establishing policies to address training for directors and volunteer officials in areas such as ethics and fiduciary responsibility, regulatory compliance, and accounting.

e. Ensuring that staff and volunteers who handle the receipt, payment or custody of money or other property of this credit union; or property in its custody as collateral or otherwise, are properly bonded in accordance with the Act and regulations.

f. Performing additional acts and exercising additional powers as required or authorized by applicable law and regulation.

g. Reviewing denied loan applications of members who file written requests for review.

h. Appointing one or more loan officers and delegating to those officers the power to approve or disapprove loans, lines of credit, or advances from lines of credit.

i. In its discretion, appointing a loan review committee to review loan denials and delegating to the committee the power to overturn denials of loan. The committee will function as a mid-level appeal committee for the board. The board must review all loans denied by the committee upon written request of the member.

Section 7. Quorum.

A majority of directors, including any vacant positions, constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting. A majority of the directors holding office constitutes a quorum to fill any vacancies as stated in Section 4 of this article. Less than a quorum may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is in attendance.

Section 8. Attendance and Removal.

a. If a director or a credit committee member, if applicable, fails to attend regular meetings of the board or credit committee, respectively, for 3 consecutive months, or 4 meetings within any 12 consecutive months, or otherwise fails to perform any significant duties as a director or a credit committee member, the board may declare the office vacant and fill the vacancy as provided in the bylaws.

b. The board may remove any board officer from office for failure to perform any significant duties as an officer. Prior to removal, the board must give the officer reasonable notice and an opportunity to respond to the issues.

c. When any board officer, membership officer, executive committee member or investment committee member is absent, disqualified, or otherwise unable to perform the duties of the office, the board may by resolution designate another member of this credit union to fill the position The board may also, by resolution, designate another member or members of this credit union to act on the credit committee when necessary in order to obtain a quorum.

Section 9. Suspension of Supervisory Committee Members.

The board may suspend any member of the supervisory committee by a majority vote. In the event of a suspension, the board must hold a special meeting of the members at least 7 but no more than 14 days after any suspension. The members will decide whether to remove or to restore the suspended committee member of the supervisory committee.

For a copy of the complete bylaws, please contact us.