Pay Late or Miss a Payment?

The differences between a late credit card payment and a missed payment Late credit card payments and missed credit card payments sound similar, but they are different in many ways. In the end, neither is a good option. However, one has more dire consequences than the other. Let’s discuss them. Late Payments A late credit [...]

Credit Card Balance Transfer

The BEST credit card balance transfer for paying off debt. We built our credit cards to help members ditch high-interest debt, build credit, and breathe life into their financial goals.  Are you ready to pay down your credit card debt? Let's Do This Claim Sierra's Balance Transfer Offer: Access 1% APR* for 6 Months! Plus: [...]

5 Scams to be Ready for in 2022

New year, new phishes. We’ve all heard of the classic scams by now—the Nigerian prince, the grandson in jail, the IRS tax collection call… Fraudsters are nothing new, but their tactics are constantly evolving. Be on the lookout for these common scams this year. More Like This Sierra Pacific Credit Union Unaffected by CrowdStrike OutageSteps [...]

Top 5 Ways to Save with Sierra Pacific

Helping you build a comfortable relationship with your finances is one of our missions, and saving money is a major key to financial happiness.  So, we've collected five of the top money-saving products and promotions we offer Sierra Pacific members. From cash-back offers to lower rate refis to top-of-the-line money management tools, we have solutions [...]

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Sierra Pacific Federal Credit Union