Mar 2, 2023 6:30:00 AM | Sierra Pacific News A Letter From Sierra's New President


It is with great honor that I take on the role of President and CEO of Sierra Pacific Credit Union. After over 20 years spent dedicated to Sierra’s members – first as a teller, later as Director of Operations and Chief Information Security Officer, and most recently as Vice President – I’m incredibly energized by this new challenge to lead Sierra Pacific through its next stage.

For more than 87 years our mission has been to help our members achieve their financial goals. We have an extraordinary team to help improve the quality of life of those we serve now and in the future. I can proudly say that this credit union is truly special.

Deep appreciation is owed to my predecessor, Jim Hunting, who led Sierra Pacific for 21 years. Jim transformed this credit union into what it is today. I have been honored to work beside him and our incredible team as we grew Sierra from a $20 million, single-branch institution to where it is today – nearly $180 million in assets, with five branches across two states, and serving more than 10,000 members. Jim will continue to serve Sierra as Vice President with a focus on business development.

Jim gave us an unparalleled strategic foundation of people, technology and business strategy. His passion for the credit union movement is infectious, and I’m thrilled that he continues to build business partnerships and member relationships on behalf of Sierra Pacific.

Sierra is an institution that was built to serve the people who keep our communities running. I’m proud to be a life-long Nevadan and UNR alumni, and I know how incredible our home here in the West is, and how much we depend on people like our members to keep it that way. That’s why Sierra’s focus has been, and will continue to be, bringing the best possible service to members like you, and working together to build strong financial futures.

As we move forward, Sierra will be building on the security, stability, and service to which we’re already dedicated. In an ever-changing industry, I am committed to keeping Sierra relevant for those we aim to serve.

Technology advances, the economy shifts, and our member’s needs grow. As a life-long learner, I’m looking forward to the future Sierra is poised to pursue.

To our members, please know that my team and I are always happy to answer any questions you may have, and to work with you to build the financial future you deserve.

I want to thank Sierra’s team, the employees who have maintained an unwavering focus on the well-being of their members. I have no doubt this team is ready to drive Sierra forward.

I would also like to thank Sierra’s Board of Directors for trusting me to lead Sierra Pacific Credit Union into its next chapter.